What’s more important; a clearer vision or a faster GPU?Here is one formula to drive better outcomes for your data science team.Jan 27, 2022Jan 27, 2022
Leave Fossil Buried and Save HumankindCOVID-19 showed us how challenging a crisis could be. For the climate crisis, though, there is no vaccine.Nov 25, 2020Nov 25, 2020
Published inTDS ArchiveUnsheathe your Slides to Kill a Dragon and Save the BusinessFive tips to sharpen your storytelling and demonstrate the best value of your data science experiments.Nov 11, 2020Nov 11, 2020
Published inTDS ArchiveHow Data Science can Help BusinessIt's not easy to think like a businessman when you are a data scientist. Here goes some advice.Nov 6, 2020Nov 6, 2020
Published inTDS ArchiveData Science and Machine Learning are NOT the sameAlthough data science became popular with the advances in machine learning and AI, science is a much broader topic.Oct 28, 2020Oct 28, 2020
Quão original é o seu parágrafo?Como se livrar daquele advérbio repetitivo que seus dedos insistem em digitar? Esse artigo ensina a avaliar a originalidade de um…Dec 27, 2019Dec 27, 2019
Uma IA para ajudar você a escreverE se criássemos uma inteligência artificial para revisar e criticar textos? Com python, vamos fazer o sidekick do seu editor de texto.Dec 21, 2019Dec 21, 2019